Marla Carter
"The best part about working here is the variety..."

I started my career in public accounting. I hopped around a lot and finally got my CPA. It started getting really hectic. I was working 70 hours a week and even had to take my laptop with me to Disney World. I was thinking about going into business for myself or working part-time when I found YPTC, and that was it.
The best part about working here is the variety. I get bored really fast and working in multiple locations with different clients is really great for me. When you’re a controller in a company every month is the same routine, so having this variety is much better. I like the flexibility of the hours: you deal directly with your clients and make your own schedule with what works best for them and you. I also really like it when I see a messy situation: cleaning it up is so much more fun. I also like that we’re not here to make somebody richer. We’re helping nonprofits that are doing great things in the world and making their organizations better.
The infrastructure is great: YPTC helps pay for your continuing education and they stay current on what’s new so you don’t have to learn all of this on your own. So you get a lot of the benefits you’d get in public accounting without having to do audits and tax work. And I don’t have to take my computer to Disney World anymore!