Leonila Capron
"I’m able to stretch my experience..."

My professional background before accounting was in program management for several nonprofits. I went for my accounting degree and worked for the City of Wilmington, Del., where I focused on accounting for grant funds. After I left the city, I wanted to get back into the nonprofit sphere. I did a lot of research about YPTC and saw how many people were saying such good things about the company – especially about it being one of the Best Places To Work in the Philadelphia market.
When I went in for my interview, I was really impressed with how they vet their employees. I’d never been through this thorough a screening before where you’re assessed in person and they do a complete background check. To me, that says a lot about the organization – that they want good and competent people on their staff.
At YPTC, I’m able to stretch my experience. I don’t focus on just grant accounting anymore — I’m looking at organization-wide accounting and reporting. Nonprofits really do need our accounting guidance and professional experience. They’re so focused on marketing themselves well and operating their programs that the finance side can sometimes fall by the wayside. To me, serving almost as a partnership with these nonprofits is just perfect. YPTC is doing a great service to the nonprofit industry.
YPTC is also so supportive of their employees. I’ve never worked at a place where everybody is so helpful. There’s no us-versus-them atmosphere between associates and managers; there’s a feeling that we’re all in this together. It’s an even playing field where everybody can ask anyone anything and get help. There’s no micro-management – if anything they offer to hold your hand when you’re going through difficult situations.
And the benefits are amazing, especially being able to work from home. I save a lot of money not having to commute and there’s just more time in my day. And if you ever want to relocate, YPTC is open to your continuing your work with another office.