Elizabeth Spina
"YPTC was a breath of fresh air..."

I went into public accounting right out of college and stayed there for nine years, starting in Chicago and then I transferred to Philadelphia because of my husband’s job. I had risen to a manager’s level but had decided that public accounting wasn’t for me anymore. I was questioning my career and thought that maybe a career change was in order.
Through a friend I heard that YPTC was looking for an accountant and I jumped on it. I had never heard of YPTC and couldn’t believe that there was an accounting position where you only had to work 35 hours a week. It seemed too good to be true, and luckily it wasn’t. YPTC was a breath of fresh air. YPTC made me realize that I really do enjoy accounting!
I like that it’s such a positive environment here. They’re really open-minded about suggestions and opportunities. They’re flexible and will work with you. When I had my twins they were wonderful in accommodating my new life. I’m very lucky to be able to work part-time which is unheard of in accounting; a lot of my friends with kids are either not working or working full-time.
I also like that the work is client-based and there’s a variety of assignments. You’re not just sitting in the same office every day doing the same thing. I like the variation – it keeps me on my toes.