3Keys, Inc.
"Service that is above reproach"

3Keys, Inc. is a non-profit supportive housing provider that serves adults facing the challenges of mental illness and homelessness. The organization manages, owns, and operates five buildings in the Atlanta area with a portfolio of just under 500 units. 3 Keys, Inc. offers supportive services to residents to keep stability in their housing and connected to resources in the community. Established over 35 years ago, the organization continues to be a significant presence in the affordable housing and supportive services space.
Scott Walker, President & CEO, says that YPTC was referred to 3Keys and ultimately the reason for hire was how highly recommended YPTC was. In addition, the accounting services offered fit extremely well with the organizational needs. “YPTC has offered us the ability not to be concerned about the accounting responsibilities of the organization. Our organization is complex and there are many accounting lanes that need assistance. They stepped in and have helped us immensely with board reports, property management, and audit preparation,” Scott explains.
Scott feels that YPTC is very responsive, with service that is above reproach and appreciated, “The YPTC team is very knowledgeable and offer us tangible explanations and recommendations on how we should report and modifications to our budget preparation. They are all very professional” he says. 3Keys team included Charlie Pritchett, Staff Accountant and Lana Gerkerov, Associate. “They all made the relationship work and were a joy to work together,” Scott says.
“I would recommend YPTC (and already have) because they approach the work and partnership in the manner that makes it easy to collaborate and get the product we need.”