Author: ericka
Team “Ready to Roll” for a Cure for MS
Members of YPTC’s team gathered to celebrate their raising over $3,500 in the 2010 National MS Society’s City to Shore Ride. Team YPTC hopes to do even better in the
Radio Spotlights YPTC
YPTC President and Founder Eric Fraint was granted an opportunity to explain Your Part-Time Controller's mission and values, services to nonprofits, and the critical role that the nonprofit sector plays
Eric Fraint Named to Fels Institute Position
Your Part-Time Controller Founder and President Eric Fraint, CPA has been appointed to a teaching position at the prestigious Fels Institute of Government at the University of Pennsylvania. Fraint will be
What Makes a Great Grant Proposal?
FOUNDATION LEADERS DESCRIBE ELEMENTS OF GOOD GRANT PROPOSALS Your Part-Time Controller convened a panel of foundation executives during a recent staff training to speak to its staff about important issues affecting
WHYY 2010 Radiothon Gets Boost from YPTC
The broadcast studios of WHYY-FM were filled with hubbub on Oct. 20, 2010, when 20 staff members of Your Part-Time Controller gathered to assist the public radio station with its
GPCA Names Fraint to Board
Eric Fraint meets withAlbert LeCoff of theWood Turning Center atGPCA's Annual Meeting Eric Fraint, President and Founder of Your Part-Time Controller, has been named to the Board of Directors of
Awards Established for Educational Excellence
Two long-serving teachers at a Jewish day school in South Jersey are the first recipients of an annual award for excellence in education established by Eric Fraint, President and Founder
Eric Fraint Chairs Audit Committee
Eric Fraint, President and Founder of Your Part-Time Controller, LLC has been named the chair of the Audit Committee at The Philadelphia Foundation. The newly-formed committee assists the Board of Managers
YPTC Sleuthing Uncovers Embezzlement
While Your Part-Time Controller is more well-known for helping nonprofits improve their general financial and accounting practices, occasionally our associates' investigations uncover suspected criminal acts. The desire to keep digging and
Racing for a Cure for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
In 1999, YPTC Partner Jen Alleva learned that the son of her best friend had been diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Like some 20,000 other boys diagnosed each year with